The art of time

Time is running out
under the sun.

The Art of TIme
Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan de Montréal
Espace pour la vie

The sundial is one of the oldest instruments invented by man. If the first devices appeared in Egypt 3,500 years ago, it was the 17th and 18th centuries that marked the golden age of these practical instruments.

Both measuring instruments and works of art, the dials shine under the sun! These pieces of engineering show us their complexity and beauty in all their glory!

The Art of Time
Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan, Espace pour la vie, 2014

Temporary exghibit
Design & build

750 pi2

Creative direction + design: LM Tremblay scénographe
Project management: LM Tremblay scénographe
Graphic design: LM Tremblay scénographe
Manufacturing and installation: Acmé décors
Artifacts mounting : Cartgo museological services